Garrett: The Boy Beneath The Bandages
This photo essay delves into the three-year journey of a 12-year-old boy and his family as they grapple with the relentless challenges posed by a debilitating disease. Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), a rare genetic skin disorder, becomes the focal point of their daily lives.
This horrible condition arises from the absence of Collagen-7 protein, the glue that binds our skin's layers, rendering even the gentlest touch or friction a catalyst for painful blistering and skin deterioration. In these powerful images, my intention is to forge a profound connection between the viewer and Garrett, in the hope of generating awareness. Through Garrett’s narrative, I hope to humanize and shed light on this little-known and insidious disease, placing a face to the struggles and triumphs that define life with EB.